Introduction. In the complex therapy of acute bacterial sinusitis, drugs that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic effects are widely used. The article discusses the effectiveness of the use of a phytopreparation containing standardized myrtol, limonene, cineol and alpha – pinene in the treatment of acute sinusitis in patients who have undergone SARS-CoV-2. Aim. To increase the effectiveness of conservative therapy of acute bacterial sinusitis in people who have undergone a new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2) using a complex phytopreparation. Materials and methods. A simple randomized controlled clinical research study involved 83 patients suffering from acute bacterial sinusitis after a coronavirus infection. Potential, safety and recovery time were evaluated in two groups: a group of patients (n = 41) taking standardized Myrtol limonel, cineol and alpha – pinene (a phytotherapeutic drug), compared with a group (n = 42) taking an antibacterial drug. The severity of clinical manifestations was assessed according to the VAS scale, cognitive functions and memory were carried out using standard psychological tests and an assessment of the quality of life according to SNOT-22. Results and discussion. The use of Respero Myrtol forte, containing standardized Myrtol limonel, cineol and alpha-pinene, in the complex therapy of bacterial sinusitis in people who have undergone a new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2) has significantly improved clinical symptoms, cognitive functions and the quality of life. Good drug tolerance, high potential and safety, recovery and improvement of the quality of life at an early date were noted. Conclusions. In the treatment of patients with bacterial sinusitis in people who have undergone a new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2), Respiro Myrtol forte has shown high antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects, good bioavailability, tolerance and safety. © 2022, Remedium Group Ltd. All rights reserved.