The use of 3D-scanning in plastic periodontal surgery; [Применение 3D-сканирования в пластической пародонтологии]

There is no reference objective method for measuring the depth of recession, the ratio of gingival compartments and the depth of the oral vestibule; therefore, to assess these quantitative indicators of gingival condition besides probing it is necessary to use additional methods of diagnostics of the state of periodontal tissue configuration to obtain digital values. The application of digital 3D-technologies in plastic periodontal surgery is poorly studied, but it can be quite an informative method of examination. The aim is to compare the results of measuring the state of periodontal tissues during probing and intraoral scanning with the use of digital technologies. Materials and methods. Gingival recession of the III class was eliminated simultaneously in 5 patients by the method proposed at the department and plasty of the shallow vestibule of the oral cavity was performed. The condition of the gingiva was evaluated by probing and intraoral 3D-scanning before the operation and 6 months later. Results. Median measurements of gingival recession using the two methods were equal: for probing — 3.0 mm (Q1—Q3=1.5—5.0 mm), for intraoral 3D-scanning — 3.32 mm (Q1—Q3=0.97—5.71 mm). Conclusion. Application of intraoral 3D-scanning of jaws as a diagnostic method allows to obtain data on the state of soft tissue configuration comparable with probing data. © 2024 Clinical Dentistry LLC. All rights reserved.

Ananeva L.A. , Razumova S.N. , Brago A.S. , Ikramova S.A. , Burlakova L.A. , Kucherova A.V.
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью ТБИ Компания
Number of issue
  • 1 The Dentistry diseases propaedeutics Department, Russian Federation
  • 2 The Dentistry Department, Russian Federation
  • 3 The Maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry Department, Russian Federation
  • 4 RUDN University, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
gum recession; intraoral scanning; probing; small vestible of oral cavity

Other records

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Новые исследования Тувы. Ламажаа Чимиза Кудер-ооловна. 2024. P. 6-17