House of being of multilingual personalities: interview with T. G. Borgoyakova and Z. A. Kuchukova; [Дом бытия полилингвальных личностей (интервью с Т. Г. Боргояковой и З. А. Кучуковой)]

A long-term study into the multiple linguistic identities of foreign-speaking multilingual people led the author, an ethnic Kazakh, to the conclusion that it was necessary to study the individual “linguistic biographies” of these people. Each individual case represents a unique worldview. Projecting the individual experience onto the linguistic and cultural status of a particular ethnic group allows us to understand the general through the specific, the embeddedness of minorities within the general social environment. In this work, the experience of comprehending the non-singular linguistic existence of multilingual individuals is presented through interviews with two individuals: ethnic Khakass T. G. Borgoyakova and Balkar Z. A. Kucukova, both philologists and scientists who have a basic education in German, and who were born in the former Soviet Union and now live in different regions of the Russian Federation. The research aims to identify the individual’s typical linguistic behaviour by comparing it with that of the interviewees. It also aims to understand the interviewer’s non-singular linguistic existence by comparing it with the experience of the interviewee. Conversations reveal that ethnic and linguistic identities may not always coincide. However, a person with a unique linguistic identity who has a strong worldview position does not feel like a “victim” and does not allow themselves to be victimized, pessimistic, or negative. Instead, they see their foreign language as an opportunity to construct positive life models and self-perceptions that transcend the injustices and imperfections of their surroundings. © 2024 Ch. K. Lamazhaa. All rights reserved.

Ламажаа Чимиза Кудер-ооловна
Number of issue
  • 1 Department of Russian and Intercultural Communication, Institute of Russian Language, RUDN University, Off. 283, 10a Miklukho-Maklay St., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
berkutenok; bilingualism; language biography; linguistic existence; multilingual existence; multiple language identity; native language; Russian language

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