Андрология и генитальная хирургия.
Некоммерческое партнерство "Профессиональная Ассоциация Андрологов".
Vol. 25.
P. 123-132
This paper provides data on 26 new, rare, and interesting species of lichens discovered in the city of Moscow and Moscow Region during the field studies in 2014–2022, of which 21 species are new to the study area. Fellhaneropsis vezdae is new to the European part of Russia, and Briancoppinsia cytospora, Thelidium minimum, and Verrucaria inaspecta are new to the Central Russia. The list of lichens and allied fungi of the city of Moscow and Moscow Region currently includes 493 species. © (2023), (Komarov Botanical Institute). All Rights Reserved.