The article discusses the principles and content of describing Tuvan proverbs in the context of comparative paremiography. It proposes comparing them with proverbial counterparts and equivalents in other Eurasian languages (Slavic, Germanic, Romance, Turkic, and Mongolian) to achieve this goal. The relevance of a comparative lexicographic approach to describing Tuvan proverbs is demonstrated. This will enable their use in broader typological and linguistic-cultural studies, as well as the inclusion of the Tuvan proverb corpus in international paremiological databases for various languages around the world. It has been established that the lexicographic description of units from proverb collections in different languages is the most representative when compared to other methods. This description is based on a consistent correlation between the content and form of proverbs in various languages. The significant types of interlingual correlations in Tuvan proverbs have been highlighted, and the rules for presenting them in translated and comparative dictionaries have been described. Common elements in the content and form of Tuvan proverbs that are similar to those of other languages have been identified, differentiated, and lexicographically organized. Typologically significant areas of lexicographic descriptions of proverb units have been identified through projection onto their counterparts and correlates in proverb collections from a number of Slavic, Germanic, Romance, Turkic, and Mongolian languages, among others. © 2024 Ch. K. Lamazhaa. All rights reserved.