Relevance. The prevalence of endometriosis, which occurs against the background of oxidative stress, varies from 10% to 80%, which requires close attention to increase the reproductive potential of Russia. Identification of predictors of pathology is the most important tool in the preventive and therapeutic model, in which it is important to use, among other things, non-drug methods of treatment. Aim. To obtain a medical, socio-obstetric and oxidant assessment (LPO) in patients with endometriosis treated with non-drug therapy (magnetophoresis of 5% iodine ions and 1% solution of caripazim). Materials and methods. A randomized trial with cross-sectional analysis of case histories was conducted in 89 patients with a verified diagnosis of endometriosis. Research tools: gynecological examination, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of LPO indicators (superoxide dismutase, catalase, malondialdehyde), questionnaire for medical, social and obstetric assessment, according to the questionnaire (WDEQ-A, USA). Magnetophoresis of 5% iodine ions and 1% solution of caripazim was carried out with the activation of one pole (Polyus-3 apparatus). Multivariate regression analysis and nonparametric methods were used to assess the parameters of pain syndrome, lipid peroxidation and values of medical, socio-obstetric status before and after treatment. In the control group I (n=29), treatment was carried out in accordance with clinical recommendations for endometriosis. In group II (n=30), treatment was carried out, including magnetophoresis of 5% iodine ions. In group III (n=30), treatment was carried out in the form of magnetophoresis with a 1% solution of caripazim. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated according to the monitoring of clinical indicators, antioxidant and medical-socio-obstetric status. Results. Against the background of complex therapy, including magnetophoresis of 5% iodine ions, patients with EM had a decrease in elevated levels of superoxide dismutase by 24.2% (p<0.01), catalase by 17.3% (p<0.05), diene conjugates by 31.1% (p<0.01), malondialdehyde by 57.2% (p<0.01). The use of physical factors provided a significant improvement in the antioxidant status, which was highly significant in comparison with other groups, both in relation to pain syndrome and in relation to the inactivation of structural indicators of endometriosis (decrease in the superficial-peritoneal process by 15%, p<0.05). © 2024, LLC MMA MediaMedika. All rights reserved.