The authors uphold the idea that the global shift in technology, in full swing nowadays, is an overwhelming process. Spreading over the world, it pushes every larger number of countries into something we could name as transformational transition. The military affairs are part of it. Having started at the beginning of the present century, the revolution in modern warfare stems from important changes, such as the use of near-Earth space, much closer coordination of all kind of operations carried out on land, sea, and air, huge increase in mobility, speed, range and destruction effects of conventional weapons, use of drones and robots on the battlefield. All this has already been tried by the world military powers. Albeit Latin America doesn't stand aloof, it has logged behind due to different factors and hindrances they have to grapple with. For some reasons Latin American countries shirk undertaking a full-scale modernization of their armies. For others, they can't afford it. Also it should be taken into account that the region's own realities imply particular tasks for the Latin American armed forces. So, they are widely engaged in non-military efforts: law enforcement operations, defense of key infrastructure, national borders tracking, environment protection, performing of humanitarian missions. In order to accomplish successfully these activities, they should be provided with advanced military and dual-use equipment. © 2023, Iberoamerica (Russian Federation). All Rights Reserved.