What should urologist know about sperm DNA fragmentation; [Что следует знать урологу о фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов]

Background. Spermogram remains one of the main laboratory methods of male infertility diagnosis, but normal spermogram do not guarantee the patient’s fertility. More over, it does not allow us to find out the cause of infertility in 10–30 % cases. The sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) studying is a possible solution to this problem. Aim. To systematize the currently available information about of clinical significance, causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment of SDF to be used by an urologist in rutine practice. Materials and methods. The search of publications in databases was carried out eLIBRARY and PubMed using the keywords: male infertility, sperm DNA fragmentation, etiology, causes, varicocele, oxidative stress, diagnostics, treatment. 111 studies were selected, which are included in this review. Results. Alcohol, tabacco smoking, narcotic substances, psychoemotional stress, adverse environmental factors and occupational intoxications, reproductive system infections and inflammation, varicocele and older paternal age can lead to SDF increasing and unfavorable reproductive outcomes, for natural pregnancy and while use an assisted reproductive technologies. The data on the role of metabolic syndrome in the genesis of SDF are equivocal. The oxidative stress is the main mechanism of sperm DNA damage. The SDF level can be estimated using direct (Comet, TUNEL) and indirect (SDS, SCSA) methods. Treatment of SDF is aimed at eliminating the detrimental factors, combating oxidative stress and recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone use. Conclusion. The level of SDF is an important indicator for assessing male reproductive potential and predicting the success of various methods of overcoming infertility. Recently, there has been an expansion of indications for the use of methods for assessing the integrity of sperm genetic material in the clinical practice of specialists in the field of reproductive medicine. © 2023 The authors.

Olefir Yu.V. , Efremov E.A. , Rodionov M.A. , Zhuvilko A.R. , Popov D.M. , Monakov D.M.
Некоммерческое партнерство "Профессиональная Ассоциация Андрологов"
Number of issue
  • 1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Bld. 8, 2 Trubetskaya St., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
  • 2 N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, 1 Ostrovityanova St., Moscow, 117437, Russian Federation
  • 3 IVF Medical Centre, 7 Sovetskoy Armii St., Moscow, 127018, Russian Federation
  • 4 Center of Immunology and Reproduction, Bld. 2, 22/24 Ovchinnikovskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation
  • 5 Clinical hospital “RZD-Medicine” n. a. N.A. Semashko”, Bld. 8, 23 Stavropolskaya St., Moscow, 109386, Russian Federation
  • 6 Department of Urology and Surgery Nephrology with Course of Oncourology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
in vitro fertilization; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; male infertility; sperm DNA fragmentation; treatment

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