The paper analyzed landmark court cases from Russia, France, and the United Kingdom concerning the protection of the business reputation of a comparative-legal study of the institution of compensation for reputational damage. The research identified several trends in the legal regulation and enforcement of reputational disputes in those countries. With the establishment of the rule of law and civil society in the Russian Federation, the role of legal mechanisms for the protection of a person’s property and non-property rights is becoming increasingly important. Given contemporary globalization trends, before the legal sciences in general and civilization in particular, the goal of studying foreign experience in the legal regulation of public relations arises to determine the feasibility and feasibility of receiving individual standard ideas and provisions. In this regard, the experience of the French and British reputational dispute settlement laws is beneficial, as the laws and jurisprudence of these countries provide solutions to specific problems of the legal regulation of these relations; it is also found in Russia. Based on an analysis of national jurisprudence, the authors concluded that the standard of proof for this category of disputes should be reviewed by excluding the determination of confidence loss in the company’s business reputation. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.