Currently, at various levels, there is an awareness of the need to include people with disabilities in the social and labour spheres. Increasing attention is being paid to creating a comfortable, convenient and accessible environment with equal opportunities for everyone. However, despite the positive changes in this direction, in our country at the moment the inclusive approach in various spheres of economic and socio-cultural activity is in the initial stage of development that can serve as an example of progress and successful development. In particular, this concerns such an important aspect of the socialization of disabled people as the labour sphere, where, as it is worth noting, there is practically no involvement of disabled people in economic processes. The labour integration of citizens with disabilities is one of the effective ways of their social integration and allows us to destroy stereotypes about them as dependent people. We believe that self-employment is the most effective way to fully integrate people with disabilities into society since self-employed people are less limited by work schedules and can perform the necessary medical and rehabilitation procedures without compromising the work process. Psychologically, self-employment is also suitable for people with disabilities, as they can influence their social environment, which is not always possible in the traditional employment model. The importance of self-employment of people with disabilities is determined not only by economic, but also by social aspects. This helps them socialize, increases their self-esteem and allows them to realize their creative potential. However, to expand opportunities for labour inclusion of people with disabilities, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, which require support from the state and public organizations. The current research is devoted to finding the most optimal solutions in this direction. © 2023 Published by Faculty of Engineering.