The network slicing (NS) technology, which has been actively studied in recent years, is based on the representation of a common network infrastructure in the form of various customizable logical networks called slices and involves the division of mobile network operators into two groups — physical network infrastructure providers (InPs) and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). The MVNOs lease the physical resources of InPs to create their own slices to provide services to their users with different quality of service requirements. In the present paper, for a network with NS technology, a scheme for accessing its radio resources is proposed that provides users with services with a guaranteed bit rate (GBR) and priority control based on the implementation of the user service interruption mechanism. The authors propose a scheme for accessing radio resources of a network under NS technology that provides users with services with GBR and priority control based on the implementation of the user service interruption mechanism. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, a comparative analysis of its characteristics with the characteristics of the access scheme based on the resource reservation mechanism was carried out. © 2023 Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.