Plastic film mulching and nitrogen (N) fertilization are two important field management practices used to increase crop yields in rain-fed agriculture in arid and semi-arid areas. These two practices, however, can have opposing effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and turnover. To clarify and analyze the combined effects of these practices, we conducted a 7-year continuous maize cultivation experiment with four treatments: (1) no plastic film mulching without N fertilization (Control), (2) plastic film mulching without N fertilization (PFM), (3) N fertilization without plastic film mulching (N), and (4) plastic film mulching with N fertilization (PFM + N). The 13C natural abundance of in the light and heavy fractions of organic carbon (LFOC and HFOC) was used to differentiate “old” (>7 years) and “new” (<7 years) C in the soil after C3 to C4 vegetation change. PFM increased soil temperature and moisture content over 7 years and led to a 150 % and 108 % increase in the above-ground and root biomass of maize, respectively. Hot and wet conditions under PFM accelerated the decomposition of both labile C (i.e., LFOC) and persistent C (i.e., HFOC), as measured by CO2 efflux from the soil. PFM decreased the LFOC and HFOC pools due to the fast decomposition of “old” C and inadequate stabilization of “new” C. Furthermore, PFM accelerated HFOC decomposition to a greater extent than that of LFOC. The Q10 values of SOC decomposition remained similar both in the presence and absence of PFM. Nitrogen fertilization increased the aboveground and root biomass of maize by 54 % and 40 %, respectively. In the control soil, microorganisms decomposed organic N owing to limited availability of mineral N and in the absence of any from replenishment by fertilizer N. Thus, the increase in LFOC content under N fertilization, was primarily attributed to the reduced decomposition of “old” C. The use of N fertilization produced a similar HFOC content as that of the control soil, while also accelerating the decomposition of “old” C and promoting the stabilization of “new” C, resulting in a faster turnover rate. Consequently, the impact of N fertilization on SOC turnover was negligible owing to the contrasting effects on LFOC and HFOC. The application of N fertilization resulted in a reduction of the Q10 value as compared to control. The combination of PFM and N fertilization accelerated the decomposition of HFOC and SOC, while having absent effect on SOC, labile C and persistent C contents. This indicates that 7 years weren't long enough to trigger a response to the combination of PFM and N fertilization from SOC and HFOC contents. In summary, PFM led to a decline in the SOC content by accelerating the decomposition of both LFOC and HFOC. Conversely, N fertilization maintained SOC content by inhibiting LFOC decomposition and enhancing HFOC decomposition. © 2023 The Author(s)