Establishment of Causal Relationships of the Occurrence of Road Accidents

Despite strong road safety programs focused primarily on reducing road crashes and aiming for zero deaths, death rates remain high in many countries. When using statistical databases when working with accidents, the researcher is primarily faced with the task of assessing the causes and conditions of the types of accidents under consideration, however, the lack of scientifically based methods for conducting such an assessment significantly increases the processing time of indicators, and can also contribute to the underestimation of many indicators. To exclude the occurrence of such problems within the framework of this scientific article, it is proposed to develop a methodology for assessing the statistical indicators of accidents with the possibility of determining the causes and conditions for their occurrence. What can be achieved by solving certain tasks: 1. Analysis of existing methods for assessing accidents; 2. Assessment of accidents according to statistical databases; 3. Development of a methodology for assessing accidents with the ability to determine the causes and conditions for their occurrence. The results obtained in the work allow us to process the accident rates and establish the main causes and conditions for their occurrence. This allows you to work more effectively with available indicators and make informed decisions to improve road safety. © 2022 IEEE.

Novikov A. , Shevtsova A. , Evtyukov S. , Marusin A.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • 1 Orel State University Named after I.S. Turgenev, Department of Service and Repair of Machines, Orel, Russian Federation
  • 2 Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Department of Ground Transport and Technological Machines, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • 3 Belgorod State Technological University. V.G. Shukhov, Department of Operation and Organization of Vehicle Traffic, Belgorod, Russian Federation
  • 4 Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Department of Technical Operation of Vehicles, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • 5 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Department of Transport Maintenance, Moscow, Russian Federation
accident rates; assessment model; causes and conditions of accidents; methodology; road safety; statistical databases

Other records

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