In the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), more than two thirds of cargo (68% in the Russian Federation) is transported by road. The share of passenger traffic by public transport is 72%, by urban electric transport- 87%. Cars are an open material system that develops and functions in the surrounding socio-natural environment, obeying the 5th law of energy entropy - the law of the predominant development of material systems. An analysis of the calculated indicators of specific energy consumption obtained during standard sea trials showed that the average value is 3.63 MJ/km with a standard deviation of 0.345 MJ/km and a coefficient of variation of 9.5%, and the length of the cycle path length ranges from 507 m to 34269 m. The development of mathematical models provides for: the block principle of model formation based on the development of typical blocks with their subsequent assembly; widespread use of the method of statistical modeling (factorial, regression analyses); the use of parametric relationships to describe the designed element; development of typical modules of the target environment and conditions. Solving the problem of forming at the design stage a given level of energy consumption and speed properties of mass-produced vehicles running on liquid, gas motor fuel, electricity based on design efficiency methods and the implementation of an energy passport. © 2022 IEEE.