This work aims to substantiate the preference of AgroTech for ensuring the expanded reproduction in agriculture and to develop a mechanism of innovative development of agribusiness based on AI, Big Data, IoT for transitioning to the expanded reproduction. To achieve this goal, a sample of nine countries with the lowest values of the crop production index in 2021 is used to find the regression dependence of the index on evolutionary innovation (simple Internet) and on revolutionary innovations: robots controlled by IoT, AI and Big Data. As a result, the vivid potential of the innovative development of agribusiness based on AI, Big Data, IoT and its significant contribution to the increase in reproduction in AgroTech are substantiated. On the other hand, this shows that in case of the absence of a scientifically substantiated mechanism of their use in agribusiness in AgroTech, revolutionary technologies (AI, Big Data, IoT) have a limited contribution (their potential is not fully developed), not allowing for the achievement of the expanded reproduction in agriculture. For the fullest development of the potential of innovative development of agribusiness based on AI, Big Data, and IoT and the achievement of transitioning to the expanded reproduction in AgroTech, an organisational and managerial mechanism has been developed, using the experience of the Consortium for sustainable development and technological leadership. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022.