Global pattern of organic carbon pools in forest soils

AbstractUnderstanding the mechanisms of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in forests is vital to ecosystem carbon budgeting and helps gain insight in the functioning and sustainable management of world forests. An explicit knowledge of the mechanisms driving global SOC sequestration in forests is still lacking because of the complex interplays between climate, soil, and forest type in influencing SOC pool size and stability. Based on a synthesis of 1179 observations from 292 studies across global forests, we quantified the relative importance of climate, soil property, and forest type on total SOC content and the specific contents of physical (particulate vs. mineral‐associated SOC) and chemical (labile vs. recalcitrant SOC) pools in upper 10 cm mineral soils, as well as SOC stock in the O horizons. The variability in the total SOC content of the mineral soils was better explained by climate (47%–60%) and soil factors (26%–50%) than by NPP (10%–20%). The total SOC content and contents of particulate (POC) and recalcitrant SOC (ROC) of the mineral soils all decreased with increasing mean annual temperature because SOC decomposition overrides the C replenishment under warmer climate. The content of mineral‐associated organic carbon (MAOC) was influenced by temperature, which directly affected microbial activity. Additionally, the presence of clay and iron oxides physically protected SOC by forming MAOC. The SOC stock in the O horizons was larger in the temperate zone and Mediterranean regions than in the boreal and sub/tropical zones. Mixed forests had 64% larger SOC pools than either broadleaf or coniferous forests, because of (i) higher productivity and (ii) litter input from different tree species resulting in diversification of molecular composition of SOC and microbial community. While climate, soil, and forest type jointly determine the formation and stability of SOC, climate predominantly controls the global patterns of SOC pools in forest ecosystems.

Zhang Yuxue1, 2 , Guo Xiaowei3, 4 , Chen Longxue1 , Kuzyakov Yakov 5, 6, 7, 8 , Wang Ruzhen1 , Zhang Haiyang1 , Han Xingguo1 , Jiang Yong1 , Sun Osbert Jianxin1, 2
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Number of issue
  • 1 School of Life Sciences Hebei University Baoding China
  • 2 School of Ecology and Nature Conservation Beijing Forestry University Beijing China
  • 3 College of Natural Resources and Environment Northwest A&amp
  • 4 Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and the Agri‐Environment in Northwest China, MOA Yangling China
  • 5 Department of Soil Science of Temperate Ecosystems, Department of Agricultural Soil Science University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany
  • 6 Department of Agricultural Soil Science, University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany
  • 7 Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) Moscow Russia
  • 8 Institute of Environmental Sciences Kazan Federal University Kazan Russia
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