Effect of LDL Extracted from Human Plasma on Membrane Stiffness in Living Endothelial Cells and Macrophages via Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy

Mechanical properties of living cells play a crucial role in a wide range of biological functions and pathologies, including atherosclerosis. We used low-stress Scanning Ion-Conductance Microscopy (SICM) correlated with confocal imaging and demonstrated the topographical changes and mechanical properties alterations in EA.hy926 and THP-1 exposed to LDL extracted from CVD patients’ blood samples. We show that the cells stiffened in the presence of LDL, which also triggered caveolae formation. Endothelial cells accumulated less cholesterol in the form of lipid droplets in comparison to THP-1 cells based on fluorescence intensity data and biochemical analysis; however, the effect on Young’s modulus is higher. The cell stiffness is closely connected to the distribution of lipid droplets along the z-axis. In conclusion, we show that the sensitivity of endothelial cells to LDL is higher compared to that of THP-1, triggering changes in the cytoskeleton and membrane stiffness which may result in the increased permeability of the intima layer due to loss of intercellular connections and adhesion.

Kiseleva Diana1, 2 , Kolmogorov Vasilii3 , Cherednichenko Vadim2 , Khovantseva Ulyana2 , Bogatyreva Anastasia2 , Markina Yuliya2 , Gorelkin Petr3 , Erofeev Alexander3 , Markin Alexander 2, 4
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  • 1 Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
  • 2 Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery, 119991 Moscow, Russia
  • 3 Laboratory of Biophysics, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Leninskiy Prospect, 4, 119049 Moscow, Russia
  • 4 Medical Institute, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University), 117198 Moscow, Russia

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Markina Yuliya V., Kirichenko Tatiana V., Tolstik Taisiya V., Bogatyreva Anastasia I., Zotova Ulyana S., Cherednichenko Vadim R., Postnov Anton Yu., Markin Alexander M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. MDPI AG. Vol. 24. 2023. 10308 p.