Наука, образование, общество: тенденции и перспективы развития.
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр научного сотрудничества "Интерактив плюс".
P. 117-121
Despite the fact that the theory of archetypes was put forward in the 20th century, it has not lost its relevance. Suffice it to note, but the most box - office categories of films that feature the same kind of images from tape to tape, especially the vivid archetypal stories came out in the 1990s. Why is it that some commercials can persist on TV for years because of their storyline, while others won't last a week? Or why are we so often attracted to orphaned characters or life - challenged wacky characters in literature? All this can be explained in C. Jung's theory of the 12 archetypes.