The given study covers an actual interdisciplinary issue - Russian language, post-Soviet Russian literature in particular, that includes the "otherness" of multiple ethnic cultures and creates unique images of the world. In the modern conventional sense, culture is replaced by transculture - a space of interaction and mutual repulsion, intertwinement, constellation, overlapping, flowing of cultures into one another. These processes have no and can't have any solidified, final forms that would be determined once and for all. Therefore, the works created in the aesthetics of transculturation are always unique, be it a literary text, a musical message or a silent arthouse short film speaking the language of negative space.We believe that a transcultural episteme should be used in the process of new thinking formation. A person without any developed pragmatic presupposition is deprived of explanatory knowledge and becomes a victim of the information manipulation embedding a model of confrontational perception of the Other into the collective consciousness. By the given work, we would like to demonstrate a method of working with higher-school students that we called Immersion Reading. Using the works by Russian Germans (in particular, E. Seifert and G. Belger), we describe the stages of reader's immersion into a literary work step by step (context verticalization, hermeneutic comment creation, stages of typification and differentiation of texts within a chosen paradigm, synthesis) and then bring up the results of our work with students and doctoral candidates of Russia and Kazakhstan for discussion within "Literature and Globalization", "Intercultural Communication in Art Dimension" lecture courses (author of the courses - Bakhtikireeva, U.M.).