The article considers the importance of a syllable's type and syllabic structure of words in languages of different types - analytical English, agglutinative Buryat and isolating Chinese - in light of creating the whole-system typology of languages. A strong case is made for the significance of lexicality and grammaticality of language as its typological determinant. Syllable's structure is derivative from word's structure and is dependent on word's degree of lexicality or grammaticality. The paper aims to define peculiarities of syllable's type and word's syllabic structure in identifying and distinguishing semiological classes of words and parts of speech in the studied languages.Words' part-of-speech affiliation was deduced, further word forms were divided into morphemes (morphs) and syllables, which were subjected to quantitative-typological and statistical analysis. The article states that due to the correlation of the plane of content and the plane of expression the languages under analysis differ in their syllable structure and word's syllabic models. However, all the languages possess a universal type of syllable CV (consonant+vowel) among their most frequent type of a syllable. The studied languages are characterized by a more or less clear differentiation of semiological classes of words in relation of syllabic structure. Nevertheless, each language has its own tendencies in distinguishing general division of words and individual parts of speech.