Sri Lanka is a country that ruled under the Europe more than three centuries. As a result of it they tried to get the political and economic power of the country after gave the so-call freedom. The mass media doing a great job for it as a servant of the Europe, who live in Sri Lanka, and with the start of the 21st century the 1st world countries who have economic and political power in the world started to catch colonies without military force, but using soft power specially the media. Television is the key weapon that powerful county use against the third world countries such like Sri Lanka. This research was mainly focus to study the effects of the cultural and media colonialism in Sri Lanka by using qualitative approach to collect the data. Literature review and observation was the method of data gathering. As results the researchers found that other than the European countries who tried to get the political and economic power of the third world countries the Asian countries like India, Korea, and China started distribute their supremacy via the television. Dubbed Indian mega Tele-dramas and Korean Tele dramas, cartoons are directly embraced the Sri Lankan people without knowing there hidden economic and political supremacy and attack to the cultural identity.