Differential Cross Section and Photon-Beam Asymmetry for the γ → p → π- Δ++ (1232) Reaction at Forward π- Angles for Eγ=1.5-2.95 GeV

Kohri H.1, 2 , Yanai Y.1 , Ejiri H.1 , Fujiwara M.1, 9 , Fukui S.1 , Hosaka A.1 , Hotta T.1 , Kon Y.1 , Nakano T.1 , Noumi H.1 , Ohta T. 1, 27 , Oka M.1 , Ryu S.Y.1 , Strokovsky E.A.1, 23 , Sugaya Y.1 , Yosoi M.1 , Shiu S.H.2, 3 , Chang W.C.2 , Sawada T.2, 22 , Wang S.Y.2, 29 , Ahn D.S.4 , Ahn J.K.5 , Chen J.Y.6 , Daté S.7 , Ohashi Y.7 , Fujimura H.8 , Gohn W.10 , Joo K.10 , Ungaro M.10 , Hicks K.11 , Hwang S.H.12 , Imai K.13 , Ishikawa T.14 , Miyabe M.14 , Muramatsu N.14 , Shimizu H.14 , Kato Y.15 , Lee H.S. 16 , Maeda Y.17 , Mibe T.18 , Morino Y.18 , Nakatsugawa Y.18, 26 , Nam S.I.19 , Niiyama M.20 , Parker J.D.20, 28 , Tsunemi T.20 , Rangacharyulu C. 21 , Sumihama M.24 , Uchida M.25
Number of issue
  • 1 Research Center for Nuclear Physics|Osaka University
  • 2 Institute of Physics|Academia Sinica
  • 3 National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
  • 4 Department of Radiology|University of Tokyo Hospital
  • 5 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  • 6 Department of Physics|National Central University
  • 7 Physics Department|University of Michigan
  • 8 ChemMatCARS|University of Chicago
  • 9 RIKEN Nishina Center
  • 10 Department of Physics|Korea University
  • 11 Light Source Division|National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
  • 12 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
  • 13 Wakayama Medical College
  • 14 Department of Physics|University of Connecticut
  • 15 Department of Physics and Astronomy|Ohio University
  • 16 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
  • 17 Advanced Science Research Center|Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • 18 Research Center for Electron Photon Science|Tohoku University
  • 19 Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute|Nagoya University
  • 20 Rare Isotope Science Project|Institute for Basic Science
  • 21 Proton Therapy Center|Fukui Prefectural Hospital
  • 22 High Energy Accelerator Organization (KEK)
  • 23 Institute of High Energy Physics|Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 24 Department of Physics|Pukyong National University (PKNU)
  • 25 Department of Physics|Kyoto University
  • 26 Neutron Science and Technology Center|Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS)
  • 27 Department of Physics and Engineering Physics|University of Saskatchewan
  • 28 Department of Education|Gifu University
  • 29 Department of Physics|Tokyo Institute of Technology
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