"Адхикарана-саравали" как компендиум "Брахма-сутр" в системе вишишта-адвайта-веданты

«Адхикарана-саравали» - важнейшее философское сочинение вишишта-адвайта-веданты, представляет собой компендиум ведантийской классики «Брахма-сутр» Бадараяны. В работе рассматриваются ключевые положения философского учения автора трактата Веданта Дешики (XIII-XIV вв.), такие как учение о Брахмане, способе его достижения (sādhana), высшей цели жизни человека (puruṣārtha), теории о выходе души из тела (utkrānti) и др.

Adhikaraṇa-Sārāvalī as a Brahma Sūtras Compendium in Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedanta System

Philosophical ideas and concepts of Viśiṣṭādvaita-vedānta in whole and treatise Adhikaraṇa-sārāvalī ( Lines about the Essence of Adhikaraṇas ) are little-known for non-professional Indianists, especially for Russian scientific community ( Adhikaraṇa-sārāvalī is not published yet in Russian). The author of this treatise is outstanding and famous Indian philosopher Vedānta Deśika (13th-14th cc.), who established the doctrine of Viśiṣṭādvaita as a logically justified system based on the teaching of Vedic texts. So, I suppose that philosophical system and main ideas of Vedānta Deśika as a subject matter of my study is rather relevant. For my research purposes, I used descriptive and hermeneutic methods that I applied to S.M. Srinivasa Chari’s English translation of Adhikaraṇa-sārāvalī. In my article, I’m considering the key points of Vedānta Deśika’s treatise including the explanation of the three main concepts of Brahma Sūtras and Vedānta philosophy: the idea of Brahman, the way of its attainment (sādhana), and the supreme goal of human’s life (puruṣārtha). I also highlight the particularities of this work, for example, the special method of philosophical questions consideration proposed by Deśika (we conclude that it is different from the classical method of pūrva-mīmāṁsā), the special semantic connection (sangati) between chapters and sections of the work, the Deśika’s defense ideas of Rāmānuja’s Sri Bhāshya from another philosophical schools, the theory of soul’s exit from the body (utkrānti) etc. As a result, I conclude that Adhikaraṇa-sārāvalī is real compendium of Vedānta’s classics Brahma Sūtras of Badarayana and, in this guise, is one of the most important works of Viśiṣṭādvaita-vedānta. It not only provides a comprehensive knowledge of this philosophical system but also summarizes the main ideas of the Rāmānuja’s Sri Bhāshya.

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  • 1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
веданта; вишнуизм; вишишта-адвайта-веданта; Веданта Дешика (Венкатанатха); Рамануджа; "Брахма-сутры"; джива; пурушартха; садхана; уткранти; видья; упасана; Vedānta; Vaiṣṇavism; Viśiṣṭādvaita-vedānta; Vedānta Deśika (Veṅkaṭanātha); Rāmānuja; Brahma sūtras; jīva; puruṣārtha; sādhana; utkrānti; vidyā; upāsana; INDIAN philosophy; Indian theology; atman; brahman; индийская философия; индийская теология; атман; брахман
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Drynova A.S.
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