О концепциях инь-ян и пяти первоэлементов во вьетнамской классической медицинской мысли (на примере трактата Ле Хыу Чака "Медицинские познания Хай Тхыонга")

Теоретическая база вьетнамской традиционной медицины сформировалась на основе китайской философии, в первую очередь концепций инь-ян и пяти первоэлементов. В статье кратко рассмотрены некоторые ее аспекты, представленные в классическом вьетнамском источнике - трактате Ле Хыу Чака «Медицинские познания Хай Тхыонга» (в русском переводе известен как «Суждения об истоках врачевания Хайтхыонга»), в котором были сформулированы оригинальные идеи о роли почек в общем состоянии здоровья человека, в лечении и профилактике различных патологий, а также представлены два базовых рецепта для укрепления почек как основы жизнедеятельности и энергетического статуса человека путем регулирования баланса инь-ян (первоначал Воды и Огня).

Yin-Yang and Five Elements Concepts in Vietnamese Classical Medical Thought: Case Study of Le Huu Trac’s "Treatise on Medical Knowledge Accumulated by Hai Thuong"

Traditional and classical Vietnamese medicine, based on ancient Chinese natural philosophical concepts and treatises of the founders of Confucianism and Taoism, has a huge influence in modern Vietnam. The theoretical foundation of Vietnamese traditional medicine has been formed on the base of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theories. Today, they are recognized by the World Health Organization and are not only a cultural and historical heritage of medicine in the West Pacific region, but also an element of everyday medical practice and philosophy and mentality here. My subjects for study are Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theories in the form in which they are presented in a classic source of Vietnam medicine as Treatise on Medical Knowledge Accumulated by Hai Thuong written by Le Huu Trac in late 18th c. In my brief overview of these aspects, I use textual, conceptual, and historical-philosophical analysis. Based on the traditional concepts of Chinese natural philosophy, he comes close to understanding the natural development of the material world and substantiated the natural origin of man, drawing on both theoretical bio-philosophical arguments and practical research data, from the description of the physiological functions of organs and systems on down to epicrisis. From the perspective of his materialistic positions, from one hand, and developing basic principles of the "Book of the Inner" and ideas of Zhou Dunyi, from the other hand, Le Huu Trac enriched Vietnamese medical practice with his theory of Water and Fire. He developed a holistic logical generalization of the above-mentioned notions of Yin-Yang as abstract categories, but of the dualistic dyad ‘Water-Fire’ as specific categories, the two most important primary elements among the five cosmogonic emanations of the dualistic Yin-Yang pair. In keeping with this, the thinker formulated original ideas about the role of the kidneys in human health, in the treatment and prevention of various pathologies (as imbalance in Water-Fire pair, or lack of one of them). He developed two basic recipe (‘Six elements of the medicament’ and the ‘Eight elements of the medicament’) to strengthen the kidneys as the basis of life and energy state by regulating the balance of Yin and Yang. I conclude that originality and status of Le Huu Trac’s medical concept greatly contributed to today's international recognition of the scientific status and scientific significance of the traditional medicine heritage of the Western Pacific region and the singling out this legacy of traditional Vietnamese medicine as a special branch of medical science and practice.

Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время"
Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
здоровье; Ле Хыу Чак; philosophy of nature and health; Le Huu Trac; YIN-yang; Five Elements Theory; traditional Chinese and Vietnamese medicine; Confucianism in Vietnamese nature philosophy; Treatise on Medical Knowledge Accumulated by Hai Thuong; инь-ян; пять первоэлементов; традиционная медицина; конфуцианство во Вьетнаме; "Медицинские познания Хай Тхыонга"

Other records

Olenchuk A.V., Chernykh V.I.
Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время". Vol. 15. 2017. P. 4-4
Chernykh V.I.
Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время". Vol. 15. 2017. P. 38-38