В данной статье представлен краткий очерк основной идеи и содержания специального выпуска «Studia Studiosorum: Успехи молодых исследователей» как первого выпуска одноименного проекта «Электронного научного издания Альманах Пространство и Время», а также мероприятий, проведенных в ходе подготовки этого выпуска.
We represent the brief overview of the first thematic issue “STUDIA STUDIOSORUM: achievements of young researchers”, the basic principles and methods in the compilation of the issue. The concept of the Almanac involves experimentation not only in the work to combine the disciplines, i.e. objects of knowledge, but also the subjects. In this sense, the important experience we had was the curation of a pupil who had never written any research papers. What about other researchers’ papers, we received a large number of various articles on different subjects, from cultural and sociological to the natural Sciences and their interdisciplinary equivalents. Not all withstood rigorous peer review and revision, due to the number of reasons, i.e. (i) many young scientists have no culture of reading, (ii) have no culture of ‘listening’ and ‘understanding’, (iii) plagiarism, and (iv) young scientists don't even know how to organise their work with the material. We wrote about it, asked for help, but again, due to the above-mentioned problems, the information support does not always reach the goal. The Almanac made the move from the good level of ‘incoming’ content that only needed to be edited to ‘educate’ the young researchers to build-up the high-level content.