Вакансия русской Уилсон. Дина Сабитова

В статье освещается творчество современной детской писательницы Д. Сабитовой в контексте отечественной детской прозы начала XXI века. Помимо собственно писательской биографии Сабитовой идет речь о проблематике современной литературы, адресованной школьникам и подросткам, о психологических, образных и сюжетных особенностях новых «семейных» книг, а также о перекличках между сабитовской прозой и прозой недавно открытого в России культового английского автора для подростков Ж. Уилсон.

Vacancy for a Russian Wilson. Dina Sabitova

The article examines the works of contemporary children’s author D. Sabitova in the context of Russian children’s fiction of the early 21st century and in comparison with books by the English author J. Wilson, whose novels, targeted at young adults and especially teenage girls, have recently been translated into Russian. In addition to Sabitova’s biography as an author, the article is concerned with topics of contemporary fiction addressed to small children and young adults and discusses the psychology, imagery and plots of the new generation of ‘family reading’. The author also focuses on the emergence of new books for a teenage audience, mapping out family and social environments, the image of an adult in children’s prose, and other issues. The paper argues that contemporary children’s fiction is reaching beyond the traditional, predetermined format of interactions between a child and an adult. It suggests that it might be best to follow the Western approach to children’s reading in order to finally overcome the paradigm inherited from the Soviet literary tradition.

Автономная некоммерческая организация Редакция журнала критики и литературоведения Вопросы литературы
Number of issue
  • 1 РУДН
подростковая проза; young adult fiction; D. Sabitova; J. Wilson; contemporary children's fiction; family reading; Д. Сабитова; Ж. Уилсон; современная детская литература; семейное чтение

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