Identification of a novel susceptibility locus at 13q34 and refinement of the 20p12.2 region as a multi-signal locus associated with bladder cancer risk in individuals of european ancestry

Figueroa J.D.1, 2 , Middlebrooks C.D.1 , Banday A.R.1 , Garcia-Closas M.1, 5 , Chatterjee N.1 , Koutros S.1 , Baris D.1 , Purdue M.P.1 , Albanes D.1 , Chung C.C.1, 4 , Black A.1 , Weinstein S.1 , Landi M.T.1 , Caporaso N.E.1 , Joseph F.1 , Chanock S.J.1 , Silverman D.T.1 , Prokunina-Olsson L.1 , Rothman N.1 , Ye Y.3 , Zhang L.3 , Gong Y.3 , Pu X.3 , Wu X.3 , Dinney C.P.4 , Kamat A.M.4 , Kiemeney L.A.6 , Vermeulen S.H.6 , Aben K.K.6 , Galesloot T.E.6 , Rafnar T.7 , Thorleifsson G.7 , Sulem P.7 , Stefansson K.7, 42 , Bishop T.8 , Harland M.8 , Pike M.C.8 , Teo M.9 , Furberg H.10 , Offit K.11 , Vijai J.11 , Bajorin D.12 , Kopp R.13 , Matullo G.14, 15 , Fiorito G.14, 15 , Guarrera S.14, 15 , Vineis P.15, 22 , Golka K.16 , Selinski S.16 , Hengstler J.G.16 , Blaszkewicz M.16 , Gago-Dominguez M.17 , Calaza M.17, 48 , Taylor J.A.18, 19 , Xu Z.18 , Panduri V.18, 19 , Fletcher T.20 , Siddiq A.21 , Bueno-De-Mesquita H.B.21, 54, 55 , Riboli E.21 , Conti D.21, 24 , Stern M.C.21, 24 , Van Den Berg D.21, 24 , Cortessis V.K.24, 23, 25 , Haiman C.A.24 , De Vivo I.25, 34 , Kooperberg C.26 , Hohensee C.26 , Jeppson R.P.26 , Cussenot O.27, 30, 31 , Roupret M.30, 31, 28 , Comperat E. 30, 31, 29 , Cancel-Tassin G.30, 31 , Benhamou S. 32, 33 , Prescott J.34, 35 , Giovannucci E.34, 35, 36 , Hunter D.J.34, 35, 36, 71 , Turman C.35 , Kraft P.35, 37 , Lindstrom S.35 , Porru S.38 , Carta A.38 , Arici C.38 , Malats N.39 , Jacobs E.J.40 , Diver W.R.40 , Gapstur S.M.40 , Wang Z.41 , Hutchinson A.41 , Burdett L.41 , Kiltie A.E.43 , Sacerdote C.44 , Gerullis H.27, 45 , Ovsiannikov D.46 , Castelao J.E.47 , Martinez M.E.49 , Cordeiro P.50 , Kumar R.51, 87 , Chang-Claude J.51, 87 , Gurzau E.52 , Koppova K.53 , Ljungberg B.56 , Clavel-Chapelon F.57, 58, 59 , Weiderpass E.60, 61, 62, 63 , Krogh V.64 , Dorronsoro M.65, 66 , Kogevinas M.66, 78, 79, 80 , Tardón A.66, 81 , Serra C.66, 79, 82 , Lloreta J.66 , Travis R.C.67 , Tjønneland A.68 , Brennan P.69 , Yuan J.M.70 , Pavanello S.72 , Mastrangelo G.72 , Wheeler W.A.73 , Karagas M.R.74 , Schned A.74 , Johnson A.75 , Monawar Hosain G.M.76 , Schwenn M.77 , Carrato A.83 , García-Closas R.84 , Andriole G.85 , Robert G.85 , Virtamo J.86
Oxford University Press
Number of issue
  • 1 Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics|National Cancer Institute
  • 2 Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics|Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine|University of Edinburgh
  • 3 Division of Genetics and Epidemiology|Institute of Cancer Research
  • 4 Department of Urology|MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • 5 Department of Epidemiology|MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • 6 Radboud Institute for Health Sciences|Radboud University Medical Center
  • 7 DeCODE Genetics/Amgen|Inc.
  • 8 Faculty of Medicine|University of Iceland
  • 9 Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics|University of Leeds
  • 10 Radiotherapy Research Group|Leeds Institute of Cancer and Pathology|University of Leeds
  • 11 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • 12 Department of Medicine
  • 13 Genitourinary Oncology Service|Division of Solid Tumor Oncology|Department of Medicine
  • 14 Urology Service|Department of Surgery|Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • 15 Department of Medical Sciences|University of Turin
  • 16 Human Genetics Foundation
  • 17 MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health|School of Public Health|Imperial College London
  • 18 Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors
  • 19 Genomic Medicine Group|Galician Foundation of Genomic Medicine|Servicio Galego de Saude (SERGAS)|Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago (IDIS)
  • 20 Center for Research in Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases (CIMUS)|University of Santiago de Compostela
  • 21 Epidemiology Branch|National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
  • 22 Epigenetic and Stem Cell Biology Laboratory|National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)|National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • 23 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • 24 School of Public Health|Imperial College London
  • 25 Department for Determinants of Chronic Diseases (DCD)|National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
  • 26 Department of Social and Preventive Medicine|Faculty of Medicine|University of Malaya
  • 27 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • 28 Department of Preventive Medicine|USC Keck School of Medicine
  • 29 Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center|USC Keck School of Medicine|University of Southern California
  • 30 Channing Division of Network Medicine|Department of Medicine|Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
  • 31 Division of Public Health Sciences|Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • 32 Department of Urology
  • 33 Centre de Recherche sur les Pathologies Prostatiques
  • 34 UPMC Univ Paris 06|GRC n5|ONCOTYPE-URO
  • 35 Department of Urology|Pitié-Salpétrière
  • 36 Department of Pathology|Pitié-Salpétrière|Assistance-Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP)
  • 37 Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale|U946|Foundation Jean Dausset Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)
  • 38 Centre National de la Receherche Scientifique|UMR8200|Institut Gustave-Roussy
  • 39 Department of Epidemiology|Harvard School of Public Health
  • 40 Department of Nutrition|Harvard School of Public Health
  • 41 Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
  • 42 Department of Biostatistics|Harvard School of Public Health
  • 43 Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties|Radiological Sciences and Public Health|University of Brescia
  • 44 Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Group|Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)
  • 45 Epidemiology Research Program|American Cancer Society
  • 46 Cancer Genomics Research Laboratory|Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics|National Cancer Institute
  • 47 CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology|Department of Oncology|University of Oxford
  • 48 Cancer Epidemiology|CPO Piemonte
  • 49 University Hospital for Urology|Klinikum Oldenburg|School of Medicine and Health Sciences|Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
  • 50 Department of Urology|St. Josefs Hospital
  • 51 Oncology and Genetics Unit|Complejo Hospitalario|Instituto de Investigacion Biomedica (IBI) Orense-Pontevedra-Vigo|Xerencia de Xestion Integrada de Vigo-SERGAS
  • 52 Department of Family Medicine and Public Health|Moores Cancer Center|University of California San Diego
  • 53 Department of Urology|Complejo Hospitalario|University of Santiago de Compostela|Servicio Galego de Saude (SERGAS)
  • 54 Division of Cancer Epidemiology|German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
  • 55 University Cancer Center Hamburg (UCCH)|University Medical Center
  • 56 Environmental Health Center
  • 57 State Health Institute
  • 58 Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences|Urology and Andrology|Umea University
  • 59 Inserm|Centre for research in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP)|U1018|Nutrition|Hormones and Women's Health team
  • 60 Université Paris Sud|UMRS 1018
  • 61 Institut Gustave Roussy
  • 62 Department of Community Medicine|Faculty of Health Sciences|University of Tromsø|The Arctic University of Norway
  • 63 Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics|Karolinska Institutet
  • 64 Cancer Registry of Norway|Institute of Population-Based Cancer Research
  • 65 Genetic Epidemiology Group|Folkhälsan Research Center
  • 66 Epidemiology and Prevention Unit|Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
  • 67 Health Department|BioDonostia Research Institute
  • 68 Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP)
  • 69 Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL)
  • 70 Municipal Institute of Medical Research|IMIM-Hospital del Mar
  • 71 National School of Public Health
  • 72 Instituto Universitario de Oncología|Universidad de Oviedo
  • 73 Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut|Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • 74 Cancer Epidemiology Unit|University of Oxford
  • 75 Danish Cancer Society Research Center
  • 76 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
  • 77 University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
  • 78 Department of Cardiac|Thoracic and Vascular Sciences|University of Padova
  • 79 Information Management Services
  • 80 Geisel School of Medicine|Dartmouth College
  • 81 Vermont Cancer Registry
  • 82 New Hampshire State Cancer Registry
  • 83 Maine Cancer Registry
  • 84 Ramon y Cajal University Hospital|IRYCIS
  • 85 Unidad de Investigación|Hospital Universitario de Canarias
  • 86 Division of Urologic Surgery|Washington University|School of Medicine
  • 87 Department of Chronic Disease Prevention|National Institute for Health and Welfare
Date of creation
Date of change
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Kakzanova E.M.
Лингвострановедение: методы анализа, технология обучения. Московский государственный институт международных отношений (университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации. 2015. P. 125-133