Особенности современного исламского политического феномена

«Исламский феномен» есть ислам сам по себе, собственная его история, современное его состояние и перспективы его развития. Это делает данное явление проблематичным с историко-культурной точки зрения и сложным для однозначного методологического подхода. Статья представляет собой обзор работ по данной проблематике, предпринятый в доказательство гипотезы о том, что современный «исламский феномен» есть лишь религиозное выражение современного исламоцентризма. Соответственно, он является частью исторической и культурной стадии современного исламского мира, а доминирующий в нём политический аспект есть политическое проявление этого центризма. В статье анализируются различные методологические подходы к данной проблеме, показывается ограниченность и относительность их достижений.

Special Aspects of the Contemporary Islamic Political Phenomenon

One of the major paradoxes, which disturb the theoretical and practical thought, is the transformation of the obvious things into the mind-boggling puzzles. This paradox was a highly theological issue in the past, but now it has turned into a part of the social, political and cultural conflicts. This transformation is connected with the inserting of God, history and ‘holy’ texts in the never-ending battles, which produced new difficulties to philosophical and political sciences. In this case, the contemporary Islamic phenomena may be one of the most paradoxical issues. It isn't only an issue of theory, but a practical one. In it we can see the political, economic, cultural, historical memory and reflections on the future. In it we can also see the dramatic side of modern globalization. All these aspects determine the utmost importance of such researches. Contemporary Islamic phenomenon contains Islam itself as well as its history. In this meaning Islamic phenomenon contains in itself a very complicated historical, cultural and intellectual problem, which cannot be solved by any single standard no matter what its scientific foundation is. The main idea in my research is how to explain, that the new Islamic phenomena is nothing but religious expression of what I called a new Islamic centrism. Islamic centrism in my opinion is a part of historical and cultural development of contemporary Islamic world. It has its inner permanent motivation and foundation, which reflects the fact that the domination of politics is in fact a political manifestation of this historical and cultural centrism. The domination of politics in this phenomenon during the last three decades was reflected by what I called the transformation of social consciousness from theological-religious level to the political-religious level. This methodological approach could explain the fact of arise and development of the new Islamic phenomena, its inner ability and future.

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  • 1 Russian University of Peoples' Friendship (Moscow)
исламоцентризм; Islamocentrism; Islamic World; Islamic phenomenon; political Islam; islamism; fundamentalism; relationship between Islam and politics; исламский феномен; исламский мир; соотношение ислама и политики; политический ислам; исламизм; фундаментализм
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