Педагогические технологии, способствующие освоению младшими школьниками и подростками нравственных ценностей. Содержание технологий. Проектная деятельность педагога в системе повышения квалификации. Формирование социально активной личности. Педагогическое сопровождение. Педагогическая диагностика, проектирование и реализация маршрута сопровождения.
The article is about basics of pedagogical technologies that help pre-teens and teens develop moral values. This work describes the basics of stated technologies which include the following: teacher’s project activities during professional training focused on self-actualization, self-development and self-modification that ensure the quality of his/her own professional skills; management of moral development of different aged pupils in the context of the modernization of Russian Education System; pupils’ engagement in moral activities that develops socially important personal and moral qualities as well as socially active personality; mentorship which is regarded as a process of pupil-teacher interactions consisting of the following steps: pedagogical diagnostics, design and implementation of mentoring aimed at increasing level of pupils’ moral development.