Научно обоснована программа анализа маркетинговых коммуникаций, используемых различными субъектами фармацевтического рынка Египта, предложен инструментарий исследования, изучены приемы и методы формирования оптимальной политики продвижения для национальных и иностранных фармацевтических компаний-производителей.
Pharmaceutical market in Egypt has important economic value. Pharmaceutical companies use marketing promotion to promote their products. They use both mass communications and personnel communications to inform, stimulate and remind consumers; patients (directly or indirectly) about their products. We surveyed 85 pharmaceutical companies that work in Egypt with appropriate investigation of used marketing promotional tools by pharmaceutical companies. There are Egyptian and foreign pharmaceutical companies that compete in the market and have different characteristics. These different characteristics have effect on using of different marketing promotional tools by pharmaceutical companies e.g. age of pharmaceutical companies, orientation of activities of the pharmaceutical companies, categories and types of drugs and using help of advertising agent.