Изучение физико-химических и технологических характеристик мальвы лесной экстракта сухого с целью разработки шипучих таблеток

Изложены результаты изучения технологических и физико-химических характеристик мальвы лесной экстракта сухого и вспомогательных веществ, применяющихся для получения таблеток (Emdex, Lactopress, МКЦ-90); проанализирована степень дисперсности экстракта сухого; получены микрофотографии экстракта и вспомогательных веществ. Разработан состав шипучих таблеток с использованием мальвы лесной экстракта сухого, показана возможность получения таблеток как методом неводной грануляции, так и методом прямого прессования. Рекомендован метод прямого прессования.

Studying of physico-chemical and technological characteristics of malva sylvestris dry extract for the development of effervescent tablets

Investigations, held in All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants showed the necessity of development of the drug with expectorant action that contains polysaccharides from Malva sylvestris herb. The goal of this work is to develop and to prove an optimal structure and technology of reception effervescent tablets with Malva sylvestris herb dry extract. Technological, physical and chemical characteristics Malva sylvestris dry extract and auxiliary substances applied to reception of tablets (Emdex, Lactopress, and microcrystalline cellulose-90) were studied. The degree of dispersion of dry extract was analyzed. Extract and auxiliary substances microphotos were received. Methods of granulation and direct pressing for manufacturing effervescent tablets were used. While making tablets by the granulation method 10 % spirituous solution of polyvinilpirrolidon for humidifying was used. Compound of tablets contains microcrystalline cellulose-90. For direct pressing method with the account of optimal technology characteristics excipient Emdex was selected. Sodium hydrocarbonate and lemon acid were used as gas-making compounds. In the technological scheme of reception of tablets with the method of granulation presents some stages: a damp granulation, drying of granules and a dry granulation which are absent in the technological scheme of reception of tablets with the method of direct pressing. Nevertheless, this scheme allows to receive the tablets which are meeting the requirements of State Pharmacopea.

Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Издательский дом Русский врач
Number of issue
  • 1 ГНУ ВИЛАР Россельхозакадемии (Москва)
  • 2 Российский университет дружбы народов
  • 3 ГНУ ВИЛАР Россельхозакадемии
effervescent tablets; dry extract; Malva sylvestris; technology of tablets; Emdex; Lactopress; gas-making tablets; microcrystalline cellulose-90; шипучие таблетки; газообразующие таблетки; экстракт сухой; мальва лесная; технология таблеток; МКЦ-90
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