Функциональное состояние и адаптационные процессы учителей средней школы столичного мегаполиса. Состояние работы функциональных систем и психоэмоциональной сферы. Выделено пять групп учителей, у которых выявлен разный уровень функциональных состояний организма и адаптационных процессов. Зафиксирована значимая тенденция к снижению психофункциональных показателей и рост дезадаптационных процессов.
Functional to a state and adaptation processes of school teachers of high school of the capital megalopolis. The condition of work of functional systems and the psycho-emotional sphere is shown. The analysis of biographical particulars and indicators of functional systems allowed to allocate in studied selection of 5 groups of teachers at which different level of functional conditions of an organism and adaptation processes of teachers is revealed. The obtained data allowed to reveal significant correlation interrelation between a functional condition of school teachers ofteachers of1,2 and 3 groups with psycho-the emotional sphere. The received results testify that at school teachers of the capital megalopolis the significant tendency to decrease in psycho functional indicators and growth the desadaptation of processes is recorded