Проблемы проектирования и строительства объектов здравоохранения в Анголе

Выявлены основные факторы, влияющие на архитектурные решения при проектировании и строительстве медицинских объектов в Анголе. Определен наиболее рациональный вариант клинической больницы. Сформулированы задачи исследования с целью выявления рациональных архитектурных решений новых клинических больниц.

The problems of design and construction of health facilities in Angola

Angola is a country with great economic potential, which can contribute to the solution of construction, architecture and social problems of the country in case of rational use of financial resources. The author focuses on the negative factors that prevent the health authorities from the efficient construction of large hospitals and clinical facilities in Angola. Brief description of the Angolan population is given. The article provides a brief overview of the climate and overall social health problems. Basing on the stated goals, the following problems are considered: Features of architectural and planning decisions of clinical facilities and a brief description of the existing hospitals. The article deals with those minor progressive changes in planning decisions and in the siting of health facilities. Space-planning decisions, the most rational options and requirements for building new hospitals in Angola. The author indentified the main factors that influence architectural solutions for the design and construction of medical facilities. The most rational design options for clinic hospitals were determined. The objectives of the study were formulated with a view to identifying architectural solutions in the construction of new clinical hospitals. The main objective of the study is to improve health care in Angola. The problems are considered in order to identify rational architectural design of new clinical hospitals.

Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN)
реконструкция больниц; rehabilitation of hospitals; architectural and planning solutions for hospitals; clinical hospital; classification of hospitals; Angola; health care facilities; архитектурно-планировочные решения больниц; клинические больницы; классификация больниц; ангола; объекты здравоохранения
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Other records

Koneva A.E., Solntsev A.M.
Азия и Африка сегодня. Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Российская академия наук". 2014. P. 42-46
Nesterova I.V., Ковалёва С.В., Клещенко Е.И., Kolesnikova N.V., Чудилова Г.А., Lomtatidze L.V., Шинкарева О.Н., Малиновская В.В., Выжлова Е.Н.
Лечащий врач. Открытые системы. 2014. 107 p.