Биохимическое исследование апоптотической гибели клеток миокарда левого желудочка при экспериментальной артериальной гипертензии

Исследована активность каспазы 3 и каспазы 8 в миокарде левого желудочка кроликов при экспериментальной артериальной гипертензии, вызванной сужением брюшной аорты.

Biochemical investigation of left ventricular myocardial cell apoptosis in experimental arterial hypertension

Arterial hypertension (AH) is one of the dominant cardiovascular disorders that can often result in heart failure. It has been suggested that apoptosis may play a key role in heart failure as it causes the progressive loss of cardiomyocytes. Despite of many experimental data in this area, regulators of death and survival pathways in myocardial cell response to AH require further study. The experiment was performed on adult male Chinchilla rabbits in which arterial hypertension was modeled by abdominal aorta banding by 1/3 of its initial diameter. 1, 2 and 4 weeks later caspase-3 activity was measured in left ventricular myocardial cells. The activity significantly increased 4 weeks after modeling of AH. These results demonstrated enhanced apoptosis in left ventricular myocardial cells in experimental arterial hypertension. Caspase-8 activity was determined at 4 weeks after surgery. Absence of significant increasing of the activity indicated the predominance of intrinsic apoptogenic signals.

Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Издательский дом Русский врач
Number of issue
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов (Москва)
  • 2 Российский университет дружбы народов
apoptosis; caspase; myocardium; arterial hypertension; апоптоз; каспаза; миокард; артериальная гипертензия

Other records

Dzhavakhyan M.A., Kanunnikova Yu.S., Sokolskaya T.A., Nicolaeva O.B.
Вопросы биологической, медицинской и фармацевтической химии. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Издательский дом Русский врач. 2012. P. 22-28