Психологические аспекты адаптационных процессов студента к обучению в строительном вузе

Рассмотрены аспекты психологической адаптации студентов строительных специальностей на начальном этапе профессионального образования. Показано, с какими психологическими трудностями встречаются первокурсники в строительном вузе. Проведен анализ трех групп студентов I курса по степени психологической адаптации к условиям обучения в вузе.

Psychological aspects of adaptation of students to the process of training at universities of civil engineering

Aspects of psychological adaptation of students of civil engineering at the initial stage of their professional training are considered in the article. The authors specify the approximate amount of professional information to be mastered by the students of civil engineering. The authors also analyze potential psychological and didactic difficulties to be resolved by the first-year students of civil engineering. Findings of the empirical research of the process of psychological adaptation of first-year students are provided. The authors believe that the whole pool of first-year students may be broken down into three groups based on the peculiarities of their adaptation to the training process at universities of civil engineering. The first group includes students who demonstrate a good training progress and a high rate of adherence to moral norms. Their neuropsychic stability is high, and their communication skills are regular. The second group includes students who demonstrate a low training progress. They estimate the psychological microclimate in their educational groups as mediocre; they also demonstrate low adherence to moral norms, though their adaptability is slightly higher, than the one of the first group of students. The third group includes the students who cannot adapt to the process of training at a higher education institution. They estimate the psychological microclimate in their educational groups as low; they have low adaptive strengths and communicative skills.

Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR)
студенты-строители; students of civil engineering; psychological adaptation; vocational training; competence based approach; психологическая адаптация; профессиональное образование; компетентностный подход

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