Сравнительный анализ устойчивости растений рода Brassica на начальном этапе онтогенеза к избытку меди

Исследована устойчивость растений 3 видов рода Brassica (В. juncea L., В. niger и B. alba) к избыточной концентрации ионов меди в среде. Отсутствие токсичного влияния различных концентраций меди (10, 25, 50, 100, 200 и 300 μM) оценивалось по прорастанию семян и росту корня проростков. Установлена высокая устойчивость проростков B. alba к токсичным концентрациям сульфата меди, что делает этот вид перспективным для фиторемедиации.

The main sources of soil contamination with copper are on one hand, mining and processing industry, and on the other hand, the agro-industry, using copper drugs to combat diseases and pests. In connection with this problem is acute treatment of soil for agricultural purposes and urban areas of excess copper. The purpose of this study was to search for plants that have expressed resistance to copper and a well-developed aerial biomass. This species of plants are members of the genus Brassica. This study assessing the sustainability of an excess of Cu in 3 kinds of mustard which are potentially promising for phytoremediation.Work was performed on 3 species of plants genus, Brassica B. juncea, B. niger, and B. alba. We have studied the germination of seeds depending on the concentration of copper (10, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 μM). Seeds were germinated at 20-22. C; for 3 days, counted the number of germinated seeds and measured the length of seedling roots. Elevated concentrations of copper negatively affected the germination of all Brassica species studied, a complete loss of germination occurred at 300 μM CuSO4. Differences between species became obviously already at 10 μM while B. alba did not differ from controls, but germination of B. niger, and B. juncea significantly suppressed. However, a strong difference in seed germination of different species in the control variants, without the influence of copper, not strictly allowed comparing the effect on them of excess copper. For this conversion was carried out of the copper in relation to germination in the control of each species. High stability of the B. alba can be noted not only at 10 μM, but at 100 and 200 μM CuSO4. B. niger at moderate concentrations of copper (25 and 50 μM) did not shows the stability of B. alba, but the 100-200 μM CuSO4 significantly more reduced germination of B. niger in comparison with the other two species.Elevated concentrations of CuSO4 significantly decreased the length of seedling roots of all three species. In this case, given the much more rapid growth of seedling roots B. juncea and B. niger in relation to B. alba, to compare the relative values are presented as % of control for each species. Thus, the presented results suggest that early in ontogeny seedlings of B. alba, in contrast to B. juncea and B. niger, showed high resistance to toxic concentrations of CuSO4, which makes this species a promise for use in phytoremediation.

Алобайди Х.Х. 1 , Башмакова Е.Б.2 , Холодова В.П.2
Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет
Number of issue
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов (г. Москва)
  • 2 Институт физиологии растений им. К.А. Тимирязева РАН (г. Москва)
phytoremediation; copper; растения р. Brassica; B. alba; В. juncea; B. niger; фиторемедиация; медь

Other records

Мараей М.М., Ралдугина Г.Н., Холодова В.П.
Вестник Томского государственного университета. Биология. Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет. 2011. P. 96-99