Клиническое значение рецепторов эпидермального фактора роста и половых стероидных гормонов в опухолях эндометрия.

Представлены данные изучения рецепторов эпидермального фактора роста, эстрогенов, прогестерона в опухолях эндометрия у 125 больных, в 40 % опухолей выявлены РЭФР. Наиболее часто выявляли РЭФР-РЭ+РП+ опухоли (48,8 %) и реже РЭФР+РЭ+РП+ (30,4 %). Частота выявления РЭФР в опухоли более информативна, чем его уровень у больных раком эндометрия и снижалась при неблагоприятных клинических и морфологических признаках заболевания.

The Clinical Significance of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor And Receptors of Sex Steroid Hormones in the Endometrial Tumors.

Endometrial cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the female reproductive tract, which is 6.8 per cent of malignant tumors in women and this is the fifth leading cancer in Russia. Earlier clinical studies have shown that the ratio of expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and, receptors of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) in the tumor may be an indicator of metastatic and invasive activity, as well as biologically relevant prognostic factor in several tumors, including cancers of the uterus. At the same time, fundamental studies of the role of these receptors above were performed in breast cancer and suggest that the study of these receptors is very promising from a clinical point of view. Radioligand methods were used for determination of the receptors content (EGFR, ER and PR) in tumors of 125 patients with endometrium cancer in different stages of the disease at the age of 35 to 75 years. EGFR detected in 40 % of tumors. EGFR-ER+PR+ tumors (48.8 %) are detected most frequently and EGFR + ER + PR + tumors (30.4 %) are detected less. Tumors of the endometrium with a different combination of receptors were detected much less frequently: EGFR-ER-PR-− 8.8 %, EGFR + ER + PR-− 5.6 % EGFR-ER + PR− 2.4 % EGFR + ER- PR+ − 2.4 % EGFR + ER-PR-− 1.6 %. The rate of EGFR in the tumor is more informative than its concentration in the endometrial tumors. We observed a decrease of the EGFR rate in adverse clinical and morphological features of the disease: tumor size ≥ 4,0 cm, depth of the tumor invasion into the myometrium ≥ 2,0 cm, obesity II-III degree, and have diabetes. The detection rate of ER and PR in the tumor of the patients with endometrial cancer was decreased with adverse clinical and morphological characteristics of the tumor, as well as at the low degree of the tumor differentiation, and at the III-IV stages of the disease, and glandular-squamous cell carcinoma.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Number of issue
  • 1 ГОУ ВПО «Российский университет дружбы народов» (РУДН)
  • 2 РОНЦ им. Н.Н.Блохина РАМН
  • 4 НИИ нормальной физиологии им. П.К.Анохина РАМН
РЭФР; рэ; РП; Egfr; Er; pr; endometrial tumors; prognosis; рак эндометрия; прогноз

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