The article discusses the methods to develop socio-cultural competences in students learning Russian as a foreign language; attention is particularly focused on comparing Italian and Russian speakers’ communication etiquette. The different meaning of gestures, poses, different kinds of sound (for example sighs), can lead at best to misunderstandings, at worst to serious conflicts. Based on the above, the question arises: is it necessary to conduct classes to familiarize with non-verbal communication means like gestures. This article takes into consideration the opinions of practical and methodologist teachers on the availability of similar topics in classrooms. The article provides and analyzes examples of mismatches between Italian and Russian gestures, that have been combined in a common list-dictionary. The article describes ways to work with this dictionary. In Italian classrooms, the relevance of the topic is due to the presence of profound differences in the system of non-verbal means between communications in Russian and Italian communicative culture. To avoid that a misunderstood gesture leads to communication failure, it is necessary to give this aspect the due methodological attention at the initial language learning stage (A1-2). Students have to understand that during the Russian language course they are expected not only to get acquainted with grammar basics, but also with those facts that can be very useful, and even essential, in real communication with Russian language speakers. The result of the research showed the effectiveness of this learning experience in the process of forming a socio-cultural competence.