Нервно-психическая адаптация студентов специальных медицинских групп.

Приведены результаты исследования нервно-психического состояния организма и определены закономерности развития стадий адаптации студентов специальных медицинских групп (СМГ) в процессе обучения в РУДН. Установлено, что основная часть обследованных студентов (36,3 %) СМГ принадлежат к группе III психического здоровья и характеризует их как практически здоровых, но с неблагоприятными прогностическими признаками, что можно отнести к предпатологии. Студентов с лёгкой патологией выявлено 18,6%; а со средней - 9,1 %.

Neuropsychiatric Adaptation for Students of Special Medical Groups.

This research was based on studying neuropsychiatric conditions and development of different stages of adjustment of students of special medical groups (some students who have deviations in a state of health, according to medical examination). Students (35 female and 8 male) of special medical groups (1-st and 2-nd years of studying) were chosen for this test. The analysis of a state of health of students from special medical group has shown that widespread diseases among this category of students are sight disturbance, locomotorium diseases, acute respiratory diseases and vegeta-vascular dystonia. Thus 9,3 % of students of special medical group have been carried to healthy group (I group); 25,5 % investigated are almost healthy, with favorable prognostic signs (II group); 37 % of the surveyed students are almost healthy, but have adverse prognostic signs (III group); 18,6 % - students with light pathology (IV group) - have a strain of adaptic mechanisms and 9,3 % - students with middle pathology (V group) which are included into group of risk of people with signs of failure of process of adaptation. Thus, the received data testifies that as a whole average value of an indicator of psychological adaptation of students of special medical group has made 25,6±1,7 (p <0,001) that allows to carry them to III group of mental health (21-30 points), i.e. almost healthy, with adverse prognostic signs.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Number of issue
  • 1 РУДН (Москва)
  • 2 РУДН
physical education; adaptation; health; neuropsychiatric adaptation; students; special medical group; физическое воспитание; адаптация; здоровье; нервно-психическая адаптация; студенты; специальные медицинские группы

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