Технология оценки системного влияния психотропных препаратов на обмен полиаминов в тканях животного и в организме человека.

Исследовано системное влияние психотропных препаратов на обмен путресцина и полиаминов у больных шизофренией и на скорость окислительного дезаминирования этих веществ в ткани с повышенным митотическпм индексом. Количественную оценку такого влияния проводили по уровню полиаминов в сыворотке крови до, во время и после лечения, а также по характеру и величине действия лекарственных средств на активность диаминоксидазы и полиаминоксидазы в модельной бесклеточной тест-системе из ткани регенерирующей печени крыс.

The Technology for Systematic Evaluation of the Psychotropic Medications Influence on Polyamine Metabolism in Animal Tissues and in Human Organism.

The systematic influence of psychotropic medications on putrescine and polyamines (PA) metabolism of patients with schizophrenia and on the rate of oxidative desamination of these compounds in tissues with high mitotic index has been studied. The quantitative evaluation of such influence has been done on polyamine content in blood serum before, during and after the treatment, as well as in accordance with manner and size of psychotropic medications on diamine oxidase and polyamine oxidase activity in model cell-free testing system from the rat regenerating liver. Polyaminemia have been shown in patients with schizophrenia. It was established that levels of polyamines in blood serum in patients with schizophrenia were dependent on type of course, leading syndrome and duration of disease. Correlation between concentration of polyamines in blood serum in patients with schizophrenia and the phase of the course of disease (exacerbation, remission) has been shown. There is correlation between polyamine levels in blood serum in patients with schizophrenia and such clinical manifestations of disease (BPRS) as "anxiety", "the disorganization of thinking", "hostility" as well as sum of points on brief psychiatric estimative scale BPRS. In the process of treatment the degree of decrease in polyamine levels has been correlating with reduction such clinical disorders as "the disorganization of thinking", "depression", "suspiciousness", "somatic concern", "motor slowness down" as well as with decrease of sum of points on brief psychiatric estimative scale BPRS. Direct action of neuroleptic drugs activated decomposition of polyamines and normalized polyamine levels in model non-cellular test-systems, obtained from tissues with increased cellular proliferation. It is considered as a possible mechanism of therapuetical action of these psychotropic medicines. It is proposed the polyamine participation in etiology and pathogenesis of schizophrenia.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Number of issue
  • 1 РУДН
  • 2 Первая психиатрическая больница г. Киева
  • 3 НИИ биомедицинской химии им. В.Н. Ореховича РАМН

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