Хронобиологическая оценка функциональных резервов сердечно-сосудистой системы человека при воздействии различных внешних факторов.

Рассмотрена задача калибровочной оценки функциональных резервов сердечно-сосудистой системы организма человека в зависимости от пола, возраста и воздействующего внешнего фактора. Применение построения эталонного кардиоцикла в фазовом пространстве выявило различие в реакции сердечно-сосудистой системы человека на длительные и однократные психологические нагрузки, дозированные физические нагрузки и резкие изменения параметров внешней среды. Приведены хронобиологические особенности устойчивости физиологических параметров различных возрастных групп и возможности построения автоматизированного медицинского прогноза состояния обследуемых в зависимости от различных экзогенных и эндогенных факторов.

Chronobyological Estimation of Functional Reserves of a Human Cardiovascular System under Influence of Various External Factors.

The problem of the calibrating estimate of the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system of the human organism depending on the sex, age and effecting external factor is considered in this paper. The creating of the sample cardiocycle in the phase space has revealed the difference in the reaction of the cardiovascular system of the person to the long and single psychological load, dosed physical load and dramatic change of the environment parameters. It allows people selection into the base groups for the long telecommunication heliomedical monitoring and enables the revelation of the planetary biotropic external factors. The chronobiological consistency features of physiological parameters of the different age groups and possibility of the creation of the automated medical prediction of the patient state depending on different exogenous and endogenous factors are considered. The base of the long-term prediction of the progress trend of this process is the regular daily repeatability of the arterial pressure. However the considerably higher variability, stick-slip behaviour of the arterial pressure is typical for the elder age group of the patients because of age-specific disturbances of the regulation processes of the organism systems. It gives grounds to consider the behaviour of the arterial pressure for the elder age group as the stochastic process and to create the mathematical model on the basis of presenting the behaviour of the arterial pressure in terms of determinate and random variables which statistical characteristics are a priory unknown and have to be identified according to the measurements. The algorithms of adaptive prediction of the arterial pressure based on the creation of the stochastic process model of its behaviour with a priory unknown variances of the model noises and identification of unknown variances is proposed. The identification method of the unknown noises variances of the nonlinear model describing the behaviour of the arterial pressure and the algorithm of the short-term prediction (some hours ahead) based on the application of the adaptive extended Kalman filter are developed. On the basis of the statistical modeling the comparison of the predicted values of the mean arterial pressure with the smoothed ones reflecting the chro-nobiologic modification of the arterial pressure is performed. It was shown that the adaptive extended Kalman filter using the identified estimates of variances instead of their true values provides the enough good accuracy of the short-term prediction of the arterial pressure.

Obridko V.N.1 , Ragulskaya M.V. 1 , Strelkov D.G. 2 , S.M. 2 , Podladchikova T.V.3
Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Number of issue
  • 1 Институт земного магнетизма и распространения. радиоволн РАН
  • 2 РУДН
  • 3 Институт системного анализа Киевского политехнического университета

Other records

Butova V.G., Kaplan M.Z., Malsagov A.M., Malsagov A.M., Chursin D.N.
Экономика здравоохранения. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Экономздрав". 2008. P. 22-26