Распространенность и системность маркеров дисплазии соединительной ткани у жителей различных климатогеографических регионов.

Изучены распространённость и системность фенотипических признаков дисплазии соединительной ткани (ДСТ) у жителей Севера и других климатогеографических регионов с помощью оценки фенотипических проявлений ДСТ по разработанной нами карте для учета анамнеза и данных осмотра, в основе которой использованы данные M.J. Glesby и Л.В. Соловьёвой. Установлено, что у жителей Севера наблюдаются большая гетерогенность и количественные проявления скелетных и кожных признаков ДСТ, характерна меньшая распространенность деформаций грудной клетки в сравнении с группами обследованных, проживающих в более благоприятных климатических зонах. Большая распространённость и системность проявлений ДСТ, по нашему мнению, является следствием воздействия экстремальных факторов Севера.

Prevalence and Systematical Markers of Connective Tissue Dysplasia at Natives of Various Climatical Regions

With the purpose to study prevalence and systematical phenothypical attributes of a dysplasia of connecting tissue (CTD) at inhabitants of the North and other климато-geographical regions with the help of an estimation phenothypical displays CTD on the card developed by us for the account of an anamnesis and the data of survey in which basis data M.J. Glesby and are used by L.V. Solovjevoj, it is analysed practically healthy 360 people in the age of 16 - 30 years divided into groups: I group of aborigenal peoples of the North (21,4 %), II group is adaptants the North (europeoids), at which experience of residing in territory KhMAR less than their age (21,7 %), III group of natives of the North (europeoids), living in KhMAR since a birth (19,3 %), IV group of the persons who have been born and all life living in central part of Russia (8,9 %), V group of natives of Africa (12,8 %), VI Indian-Pakistan group (16,0 %). All phenothypical attributes divided into 5 groups: changes on the part of a skeleton, skins and soft tissues, eyes, vessels and Central Nerve System. The analysis of the data was carried out by means of a standard package of applied programs "Statistica" 6.0. Complex factors found a method of the main components of the factorial analysis. It fixed, that in first three groups (group of the North) the asthenic body build, a scoliosis, a lordosis, loss of normal bearing of a body and a clinodactyly (sceletal displays CTD) prevail; presence epycants, anomalies of development of auricles and a nose, sensation of dryness and thinness skins (dermal displays CTD). Smaller prevalence of deformations of a thoracal cell in comparison with other groups surveyed is characteristic. In IV group more wide-spread asymmetry in length of extremities, sandalforms rima, keelforms deformation of the thorax, the expressed set of symptoms of hypermobility of joints (sceletal displays CTD); plural birth-marks and keloid cicatrixes (dermal displays CTD). The minimal occurrence of a moderate set of symptoms of hypermobility of joints and epycants among all surveyed groups. In VI group there is a dysplastic (Greek) form stops and displays of a hemorrhagic set of symptoms as nasal and gingival bleedings more often. In V to group more wide-spread the hypognatia, the platypodia, a spider fingers, the reduced membranes, dryness, thinness skins, nasal and gingival bleedings. The big prevalence and systematical displays CTD, in our opinion, is investigation of influence of subextreme factors of the North.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Number of issue
  • 1 Ханты-Мансийский государственный медицинский институт
  • 2 Российского университета дружбы народов - РУДН
  • 3 РУДН

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