Описана детальная эпизоотология ящура в Непале. Показано место ящура в структуре заразной за- болеваемости, изучено распространение важнейших серотипов вируса. Охарактеризованы заболе- ваемость животных различных видов, распределение заболеваемости по регионам и экозонам стра- ны. Проанализированы программы борьбы с ящуром, сформулированы рекомендации по их совер- шенствованию.
The details of epidemiology of foot and mouth disease in Nepal was set out in this work. We studied the spread of foot and mouth disease in the structure of main infectious and invasive diseases. We indentified distribution of major serotypes of FMD virus. Revealed the extent of the disease in animals of different species and their role in the epizootic. We identified the regional and ecozonal characteristics of this disease, seasonality of the disease and we analyzed works for prophylactic and control of disease in Nepal. We develop and propose recommendations for the prevention and control strategies of FMD for the veterinary service, taking into account the peculiarities of the country.