Адаптация к прерывистой нормобарической гипоксии - метод коррекции кислородного метаболизма при заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы.

Представлены результаты оценки эффективности метода адаптации к прерывистой нормобарической гипоксии по данным изменений кислородного метаболизма у больных с ишемической болезнью сердца и гипертонической болезнью. Показано, что гипоксическая терапия улучшает кинетику кислородного метаболизма пациентов, а выраженность положительной динамики показателей зависит от нозологической формы, возраста и длительности заболевания.

Adaptation to Intermittent Normobaric Hypoxia is a Method for Oxygen Metabolism Correction in Cardiovascular Diseases.

Under supervision there were 33 patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and 88 patients with arterial hypertension (AH). Control group has made 20 practically the healthy persons without showing complaints and having in the anamnesis indications on hart-vessels system diseases. The patient had been carried clinic-tool examination according to the accepted standards and definition of the oxygen metabolism kinetic (OМК) by the method of transcutant polarography by means of the computerized complex including oxygen monitor HUMARES TM300 T. At patients with IHD and AH were noticed lowered on comparison with healthy persons of value of TcPo2 that is characteristic and for other chronic diseases accompanied with fabric hypoxia. Balance disturbance between delivery and oxygen consumption mainly at the expense of decrease in speed of consumption of oxygen and decrease in functional power reserves of cells was observed. After course of treatment by intermittent normobaric hypoxia improvement of the majority of parameters OMK the oxygen metabolism, reflecting processes of delivery and oxygen consumption was observed. The increase in all indicators reflecting speed of consumption of oxygen was marked by an organism. At patients IHD more expressed positive dynamics of the indicators responsible for speed of delivery of oxygen to fabrics in comparison with patients AH was marked. At the same time at the patients suffering IHD, it was not observed full normalization of speed of consumption of oxygen by fabrics unlike patients AH at whom these indicators have come nearer to level of control group. Thus, adaptation to intermittent normobaric hypoxia leads to the improvement of the majority of indicators OМК at patients with a cardiovascular pathology. The expressiveness of positive dynamics depends on nozological forms, age and duration of disease.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Number of issue
  • 1 Поликлиники № 64 ВАО г.Москвы
  • 2 Центральний клинический госпиталь гражданской авиации
  • 3 Городской клинической больницы № 52 г. Москвы
  • 4 РУДН
гипокситерапия; hypoxitherapy; Ischemic Heart Disease; arterial hypertension; adaptation; oxygen metabolism; ишемическая болезнь сердца; гипертоническая болезнь; адаптация; кислородный метаболизм
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