Обсуждаются физиологические аспекты адаптации индийских студентов к условиям резко континентального климата г. Волгограда, вопросы поддержания теплового гомеостаза в процессе функциональной перестройки организма при адаптации к непривычной среде проживания в зависимости от климата штата Индии, из которого приехали.
In work definition of means and methods of optimisation of terms of adaptation of students from India to a climate of Russia is spent. Risk factors of unsatisfactory adaptation are revealed, dependences of terms of adaptation on a climate of state of India in which students lived earlier, from their physical development and a state of health are established. In the course of complex adaptation of the Indian students to residing and training in new климатогеографических conditions of society speaking another language physiological reorganisation forms морфофункциональные the qualities of an organism directed on maintenance of a thermal homeostasis in the conditions of long influence of factors of a new environment.? The price? Adaptations of the Indian students trained in high schools of Volgograd, depends not only on organism specific features, but also from joint activity of pedagogical collective and students on optimisation of terms of physiological adaptation at observance of a complex of the preventive actions reducing risk of unsatisfactory adaptation.