Качество жизни у студенток с нейроциркуляторной дистонией.

Приведены результаты изучения качества жизни у здоровых и с нейроциркуляторной дистонией студенток. Установлено значительное снижение параметров качества жизни у больных с нейроциркуляторной дистонией по сравнению со здоровыми.

Quality of Life in Students with Neirocirculatory Distonia.

The article is devoted to study quality of life (QL) in the healthy students and with neuocirculatory dystonia. The survey was carried out with 298 practically of the healthy women aged 17 to 26 years and 156 with neurocirculatory dystonia. The estimation quality of life students was spent by means of the Russian-speaking version of international standardized questionnaire SF-36. In group sick neurocirculatory dystonia of women studying parameters quality of life was spent by before and after antyhomotoksicology therapy by complex biological preparations (Kralonin, Gormel S, Cerebrum compositum and Ovarium compositum). Significant decrease in parameters QL in the patients with neurocirculatory dystonia in comparison with healthy is established. Exception was made with the parameters of the general mental health which are coming nearer those at healthy persons. Especially differed in the worst party of the characteristic of a physical condition, activity of patients is essentially lowered and their fatigue is raised. As a whole the condition of physical functioning at patients has appeared is lowered in 2 times in comparison with healthy. It is established that the antihomotoxic therapy first of all substantially and reliably increased in the patients according to the indices of psychological health (r < 0,001), and also the Physical Functioning (PF) - (r< 0,001). At the same time, reliable differences according to the Social Functioning (SF) and Role-Emotional (RE) in the process of three-week observation it was not revealed (r > 0,05). Thus, obtained data attest to the fact that of patients with neurocirculatory dystonia is subject to quantitative assessment and procedure SF-36 makes it possible to obtain the reliable, reproducible and comparable results in this category of patients.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
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  • 1 Peoples Friendship University of Russia
  • 2 ЗАО «Арнебия» (Москва)
quality of life; neurocirculatory dystonia; antihomotoxic therapy; качество жизни; нейроциркуляторная дистония; антигомотоксическая терапия
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