В работе дана комплексная оценка влияния основных обработок на воднофизические и агрохимические свойства, водно-солевой режим сероземно-луговой почвы, а также на продуктивность хлопчатника в условиях андижанской области Узбекистана.
The effect of the methods of the main processing on the characteristics of the serozem meadow soil and productivity of the cotton in the conditions of Andigan region of Uzbekistan.» There is a complete estimation of the effect of the main processing on the hydrophysical and agrochemical, hydro-salt regime of serozem meadow soil and on the productivity of cotton too. High fertility of serozem meadow soil is ensured with deep ploughing (45 sm) of the third year alfalfa and farther ploughing to different levels (25 sm and 35 sm). High efficiency of cotton cultivation is achieved with the deepcultivation to 60 sm during the first year and two-layers ploughing in to 35 sm during the second and third year. This steps promote considerable improvement of soil characteristics.