В настоящее время значение достижений генетики и генетической инженерии выходит далеко за рамки области научно-познавательной деятельности. Благодаря постоянно усиливающейся социальной ориентации биологии антропогенетика выходит в область практической деятельности людей. Интенсифицируется процесс превращения этой науки в непосредственную производительную силу общества. Связи и отношения антропогенетики с практической деятельностью становятся всё более тесными и многосторонними. Более того, реальная возможность практической модификации генетических основ человека может привести к изменению самого способа бытия человека в мире. ***
At present time the significance of progress of genetic and genetic engineering oversteps well over the limits of scientific-cognitive activity. Because of the permanent growing social orientation of biology the anthropogenetics come in the sphere of practical human activity. The process of transformation of this science in the immediate productive force is going more and more strongly. Relations and contacts of anthropogenetics with the practical activity is becoming increasingly close and many-sided. Furthermore the realizable possibility of the practical modification of human's genetic foundations can lead to transformation of the human's manner of existence in world. There are reasons to suppose that at present-day point of biological science can begin the epoch of conquest of human being nature by man. If the Neolithic revolution determining origin of civilization is guided to transition from appropriating economic to productive economic is put the human being in position of active attitude toward natural environment leaving his proper biological nature beyond the bounds of such activity, then at the present time is beginning the crucial period when the object of his reformatory activity is his own nature. In other words not the external against the human being's nature but his proper nature, the natural-biological foundations of his life is becoming as object of purposeful transformation. Now against himself is forming such type of control which earlier was applied only towards natural things, objects, systems.