На основе анализа травматических и параморбидных стресс-ситуаций, возникающих при механических повреждениях в чрезвычайных ситуациях, ведется разработка автоматизированной информационно-справочной системы экстренной медицинской помощи населению в чрезвычайных ситуациях (АИСС,ЭМП), представляющей собой пакет программ и базу данных, основанных на информационных моделях диагностики и определения тактики лечения пострадавших с механическими повреждениями на этапах медицинской помощи.
The thesis dealt with an important problem of disaster medicine - traumatic and paramorbid stress-situations. The Traumatologist's Automatic Information-Retrieval System (TAIRS)is-a package of programs and a database, which are implemented the informational models of me chanical injuries and hyperreactive adaptation syndromes in posttraumatic emergencies. TAIRS consists of two main parts: 1) Topometameric,Clinical-Diagnostic Classification of mechanical injuries (TCDC) and recommendations on their treatment. The TCDC is intended for formalized characterization of mechanical injuries. The purpose of making this formalized diagnosis of an injury is to obtain an injury code by which, on the basis of expert assessment, TAIRS gives rec ommendations how to treat a patient taking into consideration the experience of the leading clini cal research centers; 2) Tabular models of traumatic adaptation syndromes and the alarm condi tions emergencies. '.