Учебно-методическая разработка онлайн-курса "Методика написания научных публикаций"

Представлена авторская учебно-методическая разработка онлайн-курса, призванная сформировать навык написания научных статей у учащихся школ, колледжей, а также студентов образовательных организаций России так гуманитарных, так и естественнонаучных специальностей, а также повысить соответствующий навык у владеющих им молодых исследователей.

Lesson Packet on Online-course “Methodology of Writing the Scientific Articles”

For novice researchers, one of the main problems is the writing a research article where they could publicize their results. In the Russian higher school, they do not have the lessons on how to write articles, and the authors of methodical manuals on this topic write as if they have already forgotten how they themselves were students and post-graduate students during their first year of study. This lesson packet, in fact, is a guide for those students who are making their first steps to engage in research activities and plan to publish the results in any scientific journal. In the course, I tried to give answers to those questions that may arise in the process of preparing material to make the publication, for example: general statements about the essence of having the publication, how to analyze sources, how to work in library and different databases and line up and control the whole work on potential publication. Moreover, this course may also be useful for those researchers who have already had the experience in publishing their scientific results; they may also find useful information there, improve their professional skills. I should note that it is the idealized algorithm for writing the article to be proposed in the text, which is not always feasible in real life for a number of either personal or external circumstances. Let us not, in particular, forget that there is no single recipe for writing scientific texts, and this set of course’s themes is kind of a landmark for the author in the world of scientific researching. Each author develops his own approaches and algorithms in the process of activity that enable to work efficiently on his own research. I hope that this methodological work will help the novice researcher to understand the issues of writing the scientific article, and will greatly facilitate the understanding of the whole creating articles’ process from the literature search prior to the submission of articles to the journal.

Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время"
Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
начинающий автор; научные исследования; публикация в научном журнале; методика и алгоритм написания научной статьи; подготовка статьи для публикации в научном журнале; структура научной статьи; академический стиль написания статей; организация работы со статьей; aspiring author; publication in journal; methodology and algorithm for writing scientific paper; preparing article for publication in journal; scientific and humanitarian researching; research article structure; academic writing style; arrangements for research-paper writing

Other records

Nizhnikov S.A.
Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время". Vol. 16. 2018. P. 10-10